As usually, I organized visits to the American Corner for my high school students. We attended a presentation about USA Education and how to prepare high school students to study in the USA. One of the staff members said: ‘If you are interested, next Wednesday there will be a presentation by the US Embassy representative Gazmend Illazi who will talk about the Fulbright scholarships.’ I marked my calendar and the day arrived.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 2.00PM. I was really excited and I had a good feeling.. It was an amazing sunny day. At the time, I was working on my MA in Macedonia and I was thinking about getting a PhD scholarship in the USA. I discovered there is no scholarship that directly covers a full PhD studies, so I figured, I can try to get some information about getting another MA in the USA in a somehow similar but still different field. I clearly remember Gazmend’s words: ‘You have to try, if you don’t try you’re not even in the game! And remember, the process of selection is completely transparent! It’s all up to you! If you deserve the scholarship, you’re gonna get it!’ Those words kept ringing in my head and I thought “Yes, I deserve this scholarship! I work hard, I am dedicated, and I am willing to learn! I’m going to apply!” And that’s how the game started!
Deadline for application: May 31 2016. I have 5 weeks to prepare, I better get started..

The best life-changing presentation and the most positive and delightful person whose e-mails gave me mini-heart attacks during the entire year! Mr. Gazmend Ilazi, American Corner Struga April 13 2016

A moment of truth! Listening carefully to the presentation and imagining myself landing in New York.. (which, by the way, happened one year and 2 months later)